New Targets Adjacent To The Pinion Deposit


VANCOUVER, BC - Gold Standard Ventures Corp. reported assay results of a 4,248 sample soil geochemistry program systematically covering 10 km2 at its 100%-owned Railroad-Pinion Project on Nevada's Carlin Trend. Geochemical results demonstrate that the Pinion gold system is open to the northwest and southeast, and that additional new target areas worthy of follow-up exploration and drilling exist proximal to the Pinion deposit.

Historic soils collected over the northern half of the Pinion deposit show a positive correlation between gold (maximum value of 340 ppb) and arsenic (maximum value of 382 ppm) in surface soils and drilling. Based on this pattern, soils are viewed as an effective tool to identify additional exploration targets. Gold Standard's soil program was designed to provide systematic geochemical coverage over the entire area considered to be most prospective for near-surface oxide gold targets at Pinion, and to follow-up on areas of favorable alteration and structure identified by 1:6000 geologic mapping west of the known Pinion deposit. Samples were collected on a square grid at 50m spacing. Several areas with elevated concentrations of gold and Carlin pathfinder elements (arsenic, mercury, antimony and thallium) were identified by the program.

Mac Jackson, Gold Standard's Vice President of Exploration stated: "The results of last fall's soil survey demonstrate the large and growing areal extent of the gold system moving outward from the Pinion deposit along the southern edge of the Railroad window. Most of the soil anomalies occur within Chainman sandstone, higher in the stratigraphic section than the top of the Devils Gate breccia, which is the host at Pinion. These anomalies represent leakage of gold bearing hydrothermal fluids upwards along faults with increased focus of the gold system at fault intersections. There is excellent potential for the discovery of new deposits hidden beneath Chainman sandstone all along the southern edge of the Railroad window, and we plan to begin to test these targets this spring. Increasingly, we see our work revealing the Pinion deposit as just one expression of a larger and more powerful gold system with regional implications."

In Section 21 northwest of Pinion, soil geochemistry identified a 1400m long, west-northwest-striking corridor of elevated gold (values ranging from 1 to 339 ppb) and arsenic (values ranging from 10 to 595 ppm). The soil anomaly correlates with surface alteration developed in multi-lithic collapse breccia, similar to altered and gold-bearing outcrops in the Pinion main zone. Elevated gold and arsenic values are elongated in a west-northwest orientation, coincident with strike extensions of the Pinion Main Zone and South faults. Within this anomaly, two new undrilled targets have been identified with elevated gold and arsenic: (1) a prominent gravity low overlapping a northeast/west-northwest structural intersection; and (2) the intersection of the South fault with a north-striking fault corridor, south of the LT prospect.

In Section 27 at Southeast Pinion, a prominent gold-arsenic anomaly occurs where west-northwest striking faults intersect the north-striking Bullion Fault Corridor (BFC). At this location gold in soils (values ranging from 1 to 81 ppb), arsenic in soils (values ranging from 10 to 255 ppm), and mapped silicification and barite veining at surface occur in the immediate foot wall of the BFC, a geologic setting similar to the high grade North Bullion deposit 10 km to the north. Additional drilling is planned in this area.

In the southeastern quarter of section 20, north- and northwest-trending gold (values ranging from <1 to 325 ppb) and arsenic (values ranging from 10 to 2670 ppm) anomalies are coincident with silicified, quartz and dolomite veined breccias at the Irene prospect. Surface mapping and the soil geochemistry indicate this area, known historically as the Irene prospect, is larger than previously described by past exploration.

A 700m by 750m arsenic (values ranging from 5 to 254 ppm) anomaly spans the Section 28 and 29 boundary at the JR Butte prospect, 2km west-southwest of Pinion. Gold values ranging from <1 to 97 ppb occur within the broader arsenic halo. The prospect area is characterized by hydrothermal alteration and a prominent N30W-striking graben.

A low-level gold anomaly with values ranging from <1 to 33 ppb is located in the southern portion of Section 29. This anomaly is associated with Tertiary intrusive rocks that cut Woodruff siliciclastic rocks. Elevated gold was not closed-off by this survey and remains open to the south and west.